Donations Page



Our Cause

Let's make them smile

Raise your hand to make our word to be a better place.

We Strive to Spread the Gospel of Love, Hope, and Salvation to these Individuals, Showing them the Love of Christ through our Actions. We Aim to Inspire and Encourage Others to Join us in Making a Positive Impact in the Lives of the Less Privileged.

The Future begins with a child.

No One Can Thrive on an Empty Stomach.

Our mission is to extend a helping hand to the poor, neglected, less fortunate, abused children, and all people in need, irrespective of their race, religion, or ethnicity. We believe that every individual deserves dignity, respect, and a chance to lead a fulfilling life.

Help Us to Reach our Goals.

Our vision is to empower these marginalized communities by providing them with access to basic needs such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare. We strive to spread the Gospel of love, hope, and salvation to these individuals, showing them the love of Christ through our actions. We aim to inspire and encourage others to join us in making a positive impact in the lives of the less privileged.

New Projects

The Last Hope Project

Our vision and specific purpose for 2023 is to support the upcoming Project that will take in and care for children rescued from the darkest abuses possible, namely satanic ritual abuse.

Because hope should not be limited to who we think it deserves or can reach.Hope should be offered to all living beings including these children, who many trauma specialists believe are beyond help because of what they have brutally endured.

The last hope project dares to stand with these little ones and believe that their darkest affiliations and wounds are not beyond the reach of love and healing. The Last Hope project chooses to stand upon the promise that love indeed conquers all.

What is Your Calling?

Wanted to became one of us to help ?

If you are a volunteer or missionary that wants to help abroad, please let us know!”

Children Save
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About Previous Projects

Let Us Do Great Things For Each Other!

Support in Portugal

Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ”

Support in New Zealand

We are Passionate about PEOPLE and we Strive to raise Support for them.

Support in Namibia

We are Dedicated to take Action and Making a Positive Difference.

Support in South Africa

A Devastating Fire Destroyed 4 Houses and Left the People without any Hope.

Support in Ethiopia

Development on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases.

from our experience

News & Article

Another way to contribute is to contribute positive change, by promoting empathy and compassion. By offering support and guidance to those in need, YOU can help foster a more caring and empathetic society. This can help reduce conflict and promote social harmony.

In conclusion, it may seem that your contribution are small in the grand scheme of things, but believe me that every bit counts.